Just like causes of stress differ from person to person, what relieves stress is not the same for everyone. In general, however, making certain lifestyle changes as well as finding healthy, enjoyable ways to cope with stress helps most people.
For example:
Eat a well-balanced, healthy diet. Don't overeat.
Get enough sleep.
Exercise regularly.
Limit caffeine and alcohol.
Don't use nicotine, cocaine, or other recreational drugs.
Learn and practice relaxation techniques like guided imagery, progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, tai chi, or meditation. Try biofeedback with a certified professional to get you started.
Take breaks from work. Make sure to balance fun activities with your responsibilities. Schedule some leisure time every day. Spend time with people you enjoy, including quality time with your family.
For example:
Eat a well-balanced, healthy diet. Don't overeat.
Get enough sleep.
Exercise regularly.
Limit caffeine and alcohol.
Don't use nicotine, cocaine, or other recreational drugs.
Learn and practice relaxation techniques like guided imagery, progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, tai chi, or meditation. Try biofeedback with a certified professional to get you started.
Take breaks from work. Make sure to balance fun activities with your responsibilities. Schedule some leisure time every day. Spend time with people you enjoy, including quality time with your family.
Try learning to make things with your hands (such as needlepoint, woodwork, or knitting), playing an instrument, or listening to soothing music.